On Friday when Joz came down, the promo team needed some photos for the poster to advertise Punchlines. For this we used the lighting kit to make Joz look a bit more dynamic and also made him wear one of the boxing gloves. Here are what the pictures turned out like later on I shall use Photoshop to put fonts and effects on.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Studio Production: Filming Trailer
On Friday the VT and Promo teams met with Joz to film the trailer for Punchlines and shoot a couple of VTs. The trailer script was written by myself and the trailer was directed and edited by Neill. The basic plot of it was Joz waiting in his dressing room waiting to get called in for the show, the floor manager arrives to let Joz know that the studio needs him. At this point we see Joz walking down the hallway where we see alot of boxing and comedy props come into play, this shows off both the boxing and comedy elements of the show. Here is the finished trailer!
Friday, 26 April 2013
Studio Production: Teaser trailer
Before we broke up for Easter, myself and Neill created a teaser trailer for Punchlines. We did this by using a boxing glove, a crowd cheering and editing it in after effects and final cut. Here is the link to the completed teaser! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWAvcy638ZE
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