Thursday, 27 November 2014

Major Project: Treatments

Writing treatments were never an easy process for me since I have never written one before and to bring all 5 of them up to a professional standard was not an easy task. At first I was just writing as much detail as possible into them without thinking about how they would read to someone else. This was pointed out to me early on when I submitted the first draft of episode 2, the spelling and grammar was all over the place, the paragraphs were huge and hard to read and most of all the stories weren't exactly on point.

To correct all of this I researched and analysed how treatments were formed and written. This gave me a huge insight and showed me what I was doing wrong, I soon corrected this and sent off my 4th episode treatment for feedback. 

When I received feedback for episode 4 I was glad to hear that it was a good improvement over the previous two that I submitted. Knowing that I was on the right path I gave the rest of my treatments the same structure as episode 4 whilst also correcting story flaws which were evident in some places.

I am pretty pleased with how the treatments turned out however I am pretty disappointed that I never got to get feedback on the last two episodes. This was mainly due to me  focusing too much on the script and losing track of my schedule. Though I am pretty pleased with the layout of the treatments and that everything looks easier to read I am now quite anxious about how the last two episodes will come across during the marking of this project. 

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