Thursday, 2 February 2012

Hello again! Well today was our first day at Maidstone TV Studios without any tours or inductions, so we could finally get to do some work. Our first project was that we had to create a three minute video of any genre, just as long as it had an opening title which included the word "life" and a list of everyone who was involved in the production (credits). We were split into a group of 4 and in this group we came up with the title "A Wasted Life?" which was about a girl who's life starts out quite innocently, until it changes and turns into a life of drugs and getting drunk. Although some viewers may think that this is a life which has been wasted, the girl seems to think otherwise which is shown at the end when she says "I wouldn't change a thing". Our group had planned what we were doing a couple of days before filming so we had a general idea of what we were going to film, because of this we were able to provide props for the production such as flowers (both alive and dead to symbolise her life), a vodka bottle and some paracetamol (for the scene where her life starts to go downhill).

Overall I found my first day at Maidstone TV Studios highly enjoyable as I enjoyed working with my group, enjoyed working with the equipment and will be looking forward to continuing with the course.

Till next time


  "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." Abraham Lincoln 

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